Buff momos, up close and personal. Not very photogenic. But sure are tasty. (I've left out the cross-section shot. Looked even more like cat food.)

View from a rooftop café overlooking Patan's Durbar Square. (Patan is where I live, a sub-city of Kathmandu.) A 10-15 minute walk from my house, this square is the center (spiritually, physically, everything else-ally) of Patan. I spent most of Sunday afternoon here - doing work, writing letters, taking in the smells (momos), sounds (crying baby, occasional rooster crow, tourists bargaining) and feels (breeze, caffeine buzz). It was a pinch-myself kind of afternoon. (I live here I kept telling myself, with a smile.)
THIS WEEKEND I LEARNED OUR GUESTHOUSE HAS A TERRACE! I had no idea. To make up for lost terrace-time, I spent most of Saturday afternoon up there. This is the view to the south.
To the north.
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